The battle is overcome..
Because He is...
I have nothing to do
But to continue to Stand ..
Praying as God possess the land ..
Remembering, the Battle is His..
I will trust and obey as long as I live...
Remembering the covenant, that was promised for me ..
At three words satan has to flee..
Knowing he has to get behind me...
Gives me courage and Joy for the day ..
Knowing my Savior .. has made a way.. Amen!
Note to self: I found this jewel last night.. I wrote it on 10-6-08 in response to a friend .. It applies for today .. I am Working on continuing to hear God and do what He says .. trying to keep my focus on His will not my wants.. Amen! My friends continue to be an inspiration!
I Love writing things from my heart ... LisaMe!