Thursday, September 16, 2010


Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

This is the Day the Lord has made..
I will rejoice and be glad in it ...
I will not listen to voices that would say..
"You did not got to church today"
Some think it is the only way
And judge others
By what they say
I did not need a crowd
To tell me He was near
Or get dressed before I could hear
To be in a pew before he would appear
My Prayers and Praises
Went up to God
I did not have to go to heaven
To search and find Him
He sent His Son down to meet my sin
I felt Him hold me in His arms
He let me know there is no harm
When I feel weak and am in bed
To rest and wait for Him instead

I had my time with God today
I would have it no other way
All my life I will Trust and Obey

The enemy of my soul ..
tries to rob me of my time with God..
by hounding me.. about missing Church..
I love Church
and love to have coorporate prayer and praise..
but there are days..
when I need to find God on my own ..
When I just need to spend time alone ..
We all need these days..

It is scary to know
some people can not find God..
on their own..
but only when others are around ..
I pray others can find
What I found ..
It is a peaceful sound ..
of God... saying..
My good and faithful servant ..
child of mine..
you are not alone..
you have met with me today at my throne ..
I love God and will sever Him..
all of my days..
with my words..
my actions
and my Praise ...
Love LisaMe .. your sister friend ..

I am happy to pray with, and for you any day ...
If you need Jesus in this way..
Please let me know.. and I will pray ..
I am not saying we do not need church..
What I am saying
is we need God..
and need learn to find Him..
and or better yet to Him to find us ...
Stop right where you are ..
and Listen to the spirit of God within ..
and if you do not know Him..
Ask Him into your heart..
It is His desire.. to live with you ..
to help you in all you are going through ...

Father God,
Touch and bless each person who reads this..
I pray that their hearts will over flow
and know that you are with them no matter where they go ...
Send you Holy Spirit to comfort them..
help those who do not know Him ..
to invite Jesus into their hearts ..
Thank you for your Son ..
Whom you sent to die.. in our place.. knowing we had sin upon our face..
We thank you Lord.. for your Amazing Grace ...
And all who have gather here today.. in this space ...
In Jesus Name.. Amen ...
LisaMe! your sister friend


Glad we are friends..
And have over come..
Being ruled.. schooled and treated like fools ...
Friends love.. because God is love..
Freedom to be who we are ...
Having battle scars...
But still walking in who we are..
Who Christ intended us to be...
Just you and just me ...
Free to be who
We are called to be
Having many friends
On our Love Tree
I Love
Because Christ Loved
 Your sister friend ... LisaMe!


Sometimes I wish .. I could turn back the hands of time ...
But that would only rewind..
And not really change a thing
Sometimes I wish .. I could fast forward..
But then I know
All things happen .. In God's timing ..
Time is only a thing
That we occupy .. until Jesus' return ..
How we occupy it is up to us ...
Love LisaMe!
Your sister friend
Continuing on my Journey of Life!
I love all scriptures.

Words .. inspired by the Holy Spirit ..
I am a non-profit Ministry ..
And inspirational writer
I understand about time..
Although in this season in my life..
My time is not my own..
I am needed here in my home..
But one day soon I hope to be free
To do more with God's call of Ministry..
But for today.. I am here to encourage others
It is a blessing to be your friend ..
I am a prayer warrior
And have lots of time to pray ..

I am a time-line... person..
I love watching what God does..
through the times ..
seeing his hands...
move across
 the lines in my life
I am grateful that He put you as a sister friend.. in my life ..
It marks a time of Love, A time of friendship,
A time of true understanding of the deeper things..
of the spirit within ..
You my sister are a true friend..

And what is so funny is that .. is it true that we have never met ..
ahh how can that be so..
 because you my friend I will never forget!

As we continue to walk this earth ..
One day our paths
will truly cross
Because you have stepped
 Into my heart 
Love U LisaMe!