One Man and One Woman
On the edge of life
A Husband take's a wife
To walk down the highway called life
Hand and hand for their lifes to expand
This one Woman and This one Man
Trust is what I see you do
The Man holding on to you
When you could easily slip off the edge of that cliff
He sweeps you off your feet to give you a lift
Love is shared betweed the pair
It is more than a feeling that is in the air
It is the inner strength that is shared between the two
A Circle of hope that leads you to faith
Faith is believing: in things that you cannot see
Trust has to be shared
The Man brings courage and strength
While The Woman brings beauty and heart
May God provide for you a Beautiful Life
As you embark upon this Journey
Love, LisaMe!
Note to self: While looking at pictures of my nieces wedding .. I got inspired .. to write this inspiration ...