Monday, October 18, 2010

Hugs & Kisses

Talking with my Hannah Rose
On the phone
She doesn't
quite get it

How is Gram-Me's in there
She is not being shy
When she will not tell me Hi

But she will give me hugs and kisses
Well the phone gets them

Not sure how that translates :)

But this Gram-Me will take that love...
anyway it comes..
 I love my little grands..
each one is different each one is special..
in their own little way ..
I look forward to spending time with them..
I Wish it could be everyday

Ok so I am still in Pj's ..Just what does that Mean ...

I am not dressed
My hair is a mess

But that is when my writing is best
Who can say I am not blessed ... lol
My spirit is open to receive from the Lord
He comforts my soul .. He is my Reward

So What can I say to those who would think me unblessed

While they wander around ..
With their lives in a mess
So totally stressed
 They need
To mess up
Their hair ..

Life is not perfect
Not anywhere ..

This earth will pass away with all of it imperfections ..
Why add to the mess ... of the day
Look to the Lord.. and let Him have His way ..

Note to self: Written back August 17th 2009 ....Wondering to myself why I never re-posted the poem here
Written as the thoughts of the last few days..pressed upon me.. looking and feeling a mess on the outside.. but on the inside.. I know who I am in Christ.. Nothing else matters ..Amen!