The Butterfly and The Peacock
By: Breanna
One day in the Audubon zoo in
New Orleans
There was a peacock with beautiful feathers named Yoshi. There was
also a Monarch butterfly named Rio. The peacock thought he was better than the
The people thought both the peacock and the butterfly were
beautiful. Rio was a wise, calm butterfly and he knew that just because he was
small and old, Yoshi was not better than him. One day a hippopotamus named Fred overheard the peacock boasting about himself and did not like it. Right on side
the hippo’s pen is the viper’s cage. A Particular snake named Lee
was Fred’s friend. Fred told everything he had heard the
peacock saying, Lee did not like that either. Rio the butterfly was everyone’s
friend, except Yoshi’s. Yoshi was making a plan to get rid of the butterfly and
he planned to do it when everyone was not suspecting it. He planned to make Rio
think he’s his friend and then when he came close enough he would step on
Rio. After that Yoshi thought he’d be the king of colors. As soon as Rio stopped
to visit Fred, Fred told him the peacock’s plan. He told him to try to keep his
distance and not to be deceived by Yoshi. Because Rio was wise he went over there
at night still knowing not to get to close. As soon as Yoshi saw him he started
trying to convince Rio to come to him but everything he tried did not convince
wise Rio. Rio now started thinking of a plan of his own; He was going to tell
everybody what Yoshi was going to do and he was going to tell everybody not to
be his friend.

The next day Rio told everyone what Yoshi was going to do and
told them not to be his friend. When Yoshi went to be with his friend’s, they
ignored him and walked away. When Yoshi went to talk to the hippo’s they too
ignored him and walked away, and the same with anyone Yoshi tried to talk to. For
days this kept going on. Yoshi thought maybe because he was mean to Rio, no one
wanted to be his friend. When the peacock saw the butterfly he apologized to him
and became friends with the butterfly. Rio told everyone they could be Yoshi’s
friend again and everyone was Yoshi’s friend. That afternoon Rio and Yoshi sat
watching the hot air balloons circle in the sky, while Rio sucked the nectar
from a small piece of watermelon.
From then on Yoshi the peacock was never mean
or ugly to anyone ever again.
The End.
Note: The Story my grand daughter Breanna wrote for her Art's Jam .. she and I added these pictures here in my blog to bring some life to it .. We hope you enjoy it :D
Breanna is 9yrs old and in the 4th grade
In The Gifted & Talented program
Honor Society
Straight A student
A Shannon Singer
1St year piano Student