This yr would be your 40th yr
I look back with Reflections
Of the collections
My Memories of your Life
With Joy
Not sadness
Nor madness
That you had to leave so soon
You left an imprint
On my soul
That was
Forever changed
Because of Loving you
My Liza Nichole
What would it feel like
If I could hold you
One more time
To hear your laughter
To see your smile
To feel that tight tight hug
Unconditional Love
40 yrs
Has been a lifetime
Filled with hope
Not despair
I didn’t care
My spirit
So much when
You had to leave
I was assured
It was not forever
But until
We would meet again
Your memories
Will Always be alive
In my heart
While your spirit rests in Heaven
Our time together is coming soon
As Jesus is drawing near
Daily I press into Him
Wanting to know
Him more
As I seek
And explore
His Truths
I continue to Trust
Even as Mysteries
Are still
Through the Love of Him
His Spirit continues to burnDeeply
His light
Shines within
So Brightly
At times
The differences
In the day
Throughout the nights
Always bringing
Comfort and Peace
Knowing He is with me
I continue to Love
How the Holy Spirit
Writes upon my heart
Blessing me
Confirmations of His Spirit
My child it will be like
We were never apart
No distance
Time or space
When we enter
His Heavenly embrace
The Time is coming
When Our Spirits will unite
In a Heavenly Banquet
Where souls are gathered
Unto Him
Being freed
To Live
Free of this flesh
To soar
In our spirits
I feel I am already there
Then the earth .. grabs me
Reminding me
I am still here
But one day soon
That time will come
When we are gathered
To Heaven
Where Our spirits
Will be as one
With Our Father
Through Jesus His son
Complete with His Spirit
No Longer at war
With our flesh
We will sing and rejoice
Dancing with Joy
In His Holiness
With my spirit’s heart
I do write
As I Praise
Am thankful
For vision and sight
So See
Dear ones
My heart is not sad
But can delight
In Him
For giving me Joy
As only He can
In and through His Great Love
Notes: shared on fb
Continued Collections of My
Reflections of My Liza Nichole
For those who enjoy reading
Written .. deep from within
My Heart is healed with His seal of Unconditional Love
Loving From the Heart of a Mother
Trusting His Promise of One day being together again
“From My Love Tree”
♥Liza Nichole Williams
My own heavens heart
It is because of you
I have so much
Of God
In my Heart
The love, wisdom, and understanding
Placed in me back then
Helped my heart to grow
And Helped me to know
You were to live
Play in Heavens door
My life would
Go on
My sweet little daughter
I will love you forever more
One day
We will meet
Until that day
I know Jesus
Has become your savior; your friend
And has
Cared for you
While we have been apart
I Know
He lives
Within my heart
With all of your memories
Safely tucked in there
He has made
Me smile again
I Love you .. Mom-Me!
My mother had painted Liza this Pumpkin
She was such a live little mess
Below her and her Mr. Bunny
She was born so close to Easter
So of course she had to have a bunny
He was one of her favorites
Next She loved laying in my bed
The Rainbow Bed
Who could have know
Only God that she would be in Heaven soon
Precious Memories
3.4.2020 … 40 yrs
You have been gone a long time ..
but you live in my heart Forever
Not everyone
May Not Appreciate my Memories
But this was a Beautiful Day
Just one week before my daughter went to heaven
Today is her Earthly Birthday
She would have been 40 Today .. Wow
We cannot rewind
Her life was so special
She was so loved
She was Electric .. LOL
Full of Life and Energy
She left with me .. So much Love
Love of Life and A Deeper Love of God
Happy Birthday my Sweet Blessing
I will love you forever and Always
March 4, 1980 ~ December 21st 1981
A Short but Beautiful Life
One day I will see you again .. In Heaven
Until that day .. I will write.. And write and write For the Precious ones in
His sight
Yes.. this is LisaMe! .. Liza's Mom-Me ..God has Created .. Love within me