Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lady Diana

You are truly a Creation
That brings forth a sensation

To all who know you

May your always grow close to the vine
Releasing your pollen to those in need
As you allow Jesus to be your wings

You are a beautiful flower
That brings beauty and light

To all who are touched by your lightness of ways
Encouragement comes in so many ways
It strengthens our hearts and lengthens our days

I am encouraged
By the things that I can see God do
Because of the Beauty
That He has placed in you

And here Today

We come to Celebrate

The journey of your Life

Beautiful Pages of your life
As a sister, a friend
A mother and a wife

Happy Birthday
Love LisaMe!

Note: Recently one of the Ladies in our Womens prayer group had her 60th Birthday .. I was not able to go to the celebration.. A friend bought a card for me.. a brought it over to my house.. while I was signing.. her card.. which happen to have lots of butterflies, flowers, feathers, and leaves this is what came about.. on the card.. I wrote in circles and .... dots

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